Combat Tracker

A initiative and combat tracker for popular TTRPGs like Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, and Starfinder.

Round: 1
Current Turn: None
Add Combatant
Name Initiative HP Conditions Actions

How to use this tool.

Adding Combatants

Enter Combatant's name, initiative roll, initiative bonus, and hitpoints, then use Add.

Once all desired Combatants are added, use "Next Turn" to start turn counter.

Continue using Next Turn to proceed through Combatants.

After last Combatant, Next Turn returns to top of order and Round is increased by 1.

New Combatants can be added at any time.

During Combant

Use up/down arrows to change Combatant position in initiative.

Use "+" and "-" under Hitpoints to increase or decrease Combatant hitpoints.

Use "+" under Conditions to add Conditions. Conditions will be tracked automatically as turns progress.

Use Remove to delete a Combatant from the Combat.

Save and reset Combat

Combat data is stored locally in your browser.

It will usually persist after page reload.

However, clearing browser cache will delete this data.

Privacy modes or features may break this functionality as well.

Did you encounter a bug? Send an email.